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Seasick and adventures in Phuket

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

I am in Phuket currently with the sandbox tourist scheme. I am now located in Chiang Mai in the north, as you are reading this. I went on an adventure to some islands on Phuket called Koh Racha Yai and Coral island. It was a day trip to these islands, spent on a speed boat, relaxing, snorkeling, and enjoying. The trip was well worth it, however every story has some bumps in the way.

I have been here as a solo traveler, and felt extremely safe doing this trip and meeting new people on the tour group. I woke up excited and ready to take on the day. I however got seasick immediately, and it felt like the whole day was ruined. I was so extremely out of it, I couldn't even comprehend any type of directions, and felt so extremely ill. So, pro tip take nausea medicine before a trip like this, You live and learn. I was feeling seasick and the tour lady could tell I was not good. I was given the medicine. We had a rocky ride to the first island of Koh Racha Yai. There was a snorkeling spot on the way that we stopped at. I was too dizzy even to stand up, so I missed it. I was laying on the boat snuggled with the life jackets. I felt so upset, because I just wanted to adventure and see the fish that I could hear everyone talking about. I drank water slowly, and just laid there. Once we got to the beach of Koh Racha Yai I felt a tiny bit better. I was on land! I sat there and then I realized I was better because I wasn't on the waves anymore. I finally could enjoy the day, and learn from that rookie mistake.

Check out my vlog from the islands of Koh Racha Yai and Coral Island.

I relaxed on the beach and was in awe of the beauty of Thailand. It truly takes your breath away. I felt one with the waves. I felt so extremely alive and at peace in this moment. I loved feeling the sun on my skin, the water on my body, and the wind in my hair. You could hear the waves crashing on the beach and it was peace. I was starting to have a fabulous time as I was feeling better and was socialising with other travelers. It was so great to connect with others with such great travel stories as well. It makes you feel like the world is so big, yet so small at the same time.

Our time was up at this island and it was on to the next! Coral Island! This island was a bit smaller than the last. But the beach I feel was more serene. We arrived and had lunch prepared for us, included in our tour. It was an assortment of Thai dishes: tom yum soup, fried fish, vegetables, chicken wings, and rice. It was very delicious and after the morning I had so far, it felt like it never tasted so good.

Now on to the adventuring! It was time to snorkel! I first had to scope the beach and see what there is to see. Just walking on the beach and looking at all the beautiful nature, animals, and just take it all in. I wandered on the rocks and played in the sand. There was a cool staircase to nowhere, just up! SO I CLIMBED IT.

I went snorkeling then all around the beach and out in the deeper part by the dock. The fish were indeed everywhere. It was insane! It feels so cool being under swimming with the fish. The sea amazes me and I felt so happy. I was so into what I was doing swimming, looking at all the fish, and hardly coming up for air. The boat was going to leave! I was the last to board, typical as I love to do things on my own time. I swam to the dock that was nearest to where I was in the water. I pushed myself onto the dock, and there were many corals all around. I by accident kicked a coral and got a small cut on my foot. It really stung. I felt fine though, still so extremely happy. I boarded the boat and was just there for the ride. Enjoying the view of the wide open sea.

If you are in Phuket, definitely make a day trip to these two islands. They are small and remote, but so extremely serene. Just make sure you prepare with sunscreen and nausea medicine unlike me. When I woke up, I was late, so I forgot all the essentials.

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