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Should I move abroad?

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

Are you curious to move abroad, but just not sure what to do to get it started? Look no further, I have lived abroad twice and can help guide you through the process and maybe just nudge you in the right direction to ease your mind a bit.

First things first, if the pandemic has taught me anything it is that live with no regrets and if you are wanting to do something, try something new, change your routine, or move across the country why not? If this resonates with you, then bear with!

Is it even possible to travel post covid?

To put it simply, yes it is possible. To travel post covid, not all countries are open, however more are opening with restrictions and precautions.

Most countries if they are open they are wanting precautions and proof of health such as fit to fly certificates, negative pcr tests, and proof of insurance for example. The place to find country specific information for the countries that interest you check out the embassy for that country and the official government website for the country to have all the up to date information.

For many countries having proof of a vaccine will become the norm for travel and there is talk of creating a vaccine passport to allow travel again, but who knows.

Why am I moving abroad?

Ask yourself what is your why? There are many different reasons why you might want to move abroad, however it is best you figure out exactly what it is that inspires you to go abroad. I can speak for myself that I wanted to live abroad due to the adventure and wanting new cultural experiences. I like the free lifestyle that travel can bring and also exploring lots of places.

There are lots of reasons why you might want to move abroad. Maybe its the lifestyle, a new start, work, cost of living, and many more. Figure out your why to help decide what you are wanting to gain out of the experience.

How to prepare?

Safety and coverage are a big one for these times, and there are needs for travel insurance now more than ever. If you travel a lot of countries will require you have travel insurance.

Another big thing to prepare is your banks and any extra things you have laying around. If you are planning to give travel a go for an extended period of time, then I recommend you to go minimal and get rid of some things. You can sell them, donate them, or re purpose them! When travelling, I am an advocate for minimal travel and having less things just makes it easier and simpler.

If you are in need of travel insurance you can give it a go here.

For a free checklist on how to prepare for that move abroad get your free guide here.

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